“This school is beyond top notch! When faced with the decision of returning to work after having my son, I looked at over 10 “daycare centers”. No other facility even comes close! As a former pre-school teacher this was a critical decision for me and our growing little family. I wanted somewhere my son would have fun, learn and develop, AND I also wanted a school with teachers that would hug my son if he fell down or bumped his head. Great Beginnings Academy exceeds my expectations each and every day! The staff, the facility and grounds, the curriculum and the love my son has for his teachers is unreal! Each holiday or special event is actually magical here- you would have to see it to believe it. Miss Barbara sets the bar high for her team and they all live up to that expectation. Our family could not be more pleased with what we found at Great Beginnings- I don’t think any family would be disappointed!”